Diamonds are Simply Beautiful From the cut of The Diamond to the Final Setting. Diamond jewelry Designers know the Value of each piece. Does they focus on creating Diamond’s the setting that actually create miracle . But one such unique setting gaining the Dominance in Diamond setting is illusion setting.
Illusion setting was invented by a French jeweler in 1860"s with the clear intention of making smaller Diamond looks 3 time larger, illusion setting is also know as Tikal setting in Indian market or mirage setting world wide. This setting enhance it’s appearance to perceive the size of the Diamond in jewelry the reason why tikali setting stand out today’s time is Because entire philosophy is less Cash more flash. Lot of creativity and imagination go in creativity of jewelry piece . Therefore illusion design offering unique. THEY are much more affordable 1st of all illusion setting use more metal than Diamond so this make it affordable secondly large single Good Diamond is hard to Find. THEREFORE THEY have much higher price than small Diamond of equal quality .therefore cost much less then per carat than a item crafted by one big large stone. Illusion setting Diamond jewelry popular even today this jewellerys are loved by younger couple. We s.d jewellerys are largest illusion plate manufacturer in the industry.